When I came to Second Life® in 2009, I arrived with creative opportunity in mind. I was not a fashionista by any means but an aspiring virtual photographer and Photoshop junkie, instead, who was looking for an opportunity to grow and expand my skills. A doorway opened in the fashion industry, which was the perfect platform for me to periodically practice as a photographer while experimenting with fashion. I’ve enjoyed experiences working in SL fashion channels such as runway, print, and other various aspects of virtual magazine publication. My first fashion blog was established in 2010. Though I took several divergent paths, photography has remained a love of mine – something I always hoped to do more of and improve at, and I returned to it again and again when time allowed.
Today, virtual fashion photography allows me a creative outlet through which I am able to blend several things I really enjoy: virtual photography, photo editing and manipulation, and several fashion and style genres. It also gives me a chance to show my perspective on some of the amazing content creation coming out of SL, past and present. I will work with sponsors, but more often than not, the items in photos on my blog are items I have purchased myself. More than anything, I remain in awe of the way SL bloggers and photographers express their creativity in this medium and am inspired every day by the incredible beauty they paint all over their respective corners of the web. The blog you see today was created in 2017 and is a complete rebirth with all new content. It is my latest effort in paying tribute to SL’s content creators through photography, one of my very favorite pastimes and distractions from the real world.
So, welcome to my blog. If you’d like to say hi or get in touch with me, please do so by using this form. You may also email me directly at xandrah.sciavo.sl@gmail.com. I’d love to hear from you!